Cheese Tea – Divyntea - Best Tea brand in India

Cheese Tea

Have you ever heard of Cheese Tea? Well, there is such a thing as that and it is made using Green Tea, Black Tea or Oolong Tea. And this is perfect for all the Tea Lovers who also love Cheese!

Cheese Tea started in Taiwan and just like Boba Tea, is trending all over the world! How is it different? Cheese Tea is rich, creamy and foamy, a perfect blend of sweet and savoury tea! Now isn’t this making your mouth drool??

So try away our recipe of Cheese Tea and be “Trendy”.

Serves 4


1 litre water
4 teaspoon Black/green or oolong tea
2 tablespoon cream cheese
2 tablespoon condensed milk
80 ml whipped cream
4-5 ice cubes

1. Heat water in a vessel. Switch off the flame and add the tea leaves. Let us brew for 3-4 minutes. Strain.
2. Mix cream cheese and condensed milk in a bowl. Before serving, whisk them together with a bit of salt (only a dash) till it turns foamy and frothy.
3. Add the brewed tea in glasses, add crushed ice or ice cubes and pour the cream cheese mixture on top. Enjoy!

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